Contato Floral Essence

A carefully arranged bouquet of dried flowers featuring a variety of textures and colors. The bouquet contains fluffy cotton, yellow blossoms, and greenery, tied together with long green stems. It rests against a simple white fabric background, emphasizing the natural tones of the flowers.
A carefully arranged bouquet of dried flowers featuring a variety of textures and colors. The bouquet contains fluffy cotton, yellow blossoms, and greenery, tied together with long green stems. It rests against a simple white fabric background, emphasizing the natural tones of the flowers.

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+55 11 98661-6450


Nosso ateliê está localizado no coração de São Paulo.


Rua Correia de Melo, 84, Sala 1107

Bom Retiro, São Paulo, SP


Seg a Sáb das 8h às 17h